Are you worried about your blood sugar regulation?

Blood sugar regulation is vital for overall health. Yearly blood tests are essential to knowing your blood glucose levels because you don’t feel the elevation of blood sugar. Symptoms like thirst and frequent urination only occur when it gets really high. If a family member has diabetes or you are obese, your risk of getting the disease increases.  Although you may not feel any pain or discomfort, elevated blood sugar has a negative effect on many aspects of your health. It starts sticking to cellular machinery inside your body, interfering with its functioning, accelerating aging, and increasing the risk of heart disease. High blood sugar can damage your sight and peripheral nerves. It’s also strongly associated with degenerative diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s.  According to the National Diabetes Statistics Report from 2021, 38.4 million Americans of all ages had diabetes in 2021, and 98.6 million people had pre-diabetes. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicts that, if we do not change course, 1 in 3 Americans will have diabetes by 2050.  Neither current statistics nor disease predictions for American people are very cheerful. 

Blood sugar: from health to disease

The processes that regulate blood sugar in the body are very robust, and it usually takes a long time to get from health to disease. You can visualize this transition as moving from green to red:

  • Green zone. Most of us are born with healthy blood sugar regulation and remain healthy for a very long time. Your fasting blood sugar is around 90 mg/l, and HgA1c is below 5.6%.
  • Yellow zone. For various reasons, the metabolic pathways can start working less efficiently, and your blood sugar numbers can increase, such as fasting glucose above 100mg/l and HgA1C above 5.6. This is pre-diabetes, and it’s time to change your food and lifestyle to get back to health.
  • Red zone. If you miss this opportunity to improve your diet, you’ll most likely move on to the red zone: diabetes. It is estimated that by the time we are diagnosed with diabetes, we have already lost 60% of the pancreatic beta cells that secrete insulin. We can’t regenerate them yet, although scientists are working on it. But it doesn’t mean that there is nothing you can do and that you can never have normal blood sugar levels. In most cases, you can go back to the yellow and even green zone.

Learn more about normal blood sugar regulation and how different macronutrient affect your blood sugar. Should you rely on Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of foods? Or you can use my 5 simple dietary changes that can help you get your blood sugar under control.

Master your blood sugar regulation

Whether you are at increased risk for developing diabetes or your blood sugar is already higher than the normal range, please don’t wait. Make lifestyle and diet changes to bring your blood sugar under control. The higher your numbers, the faster you need to act!

Together, we’ll work on your diet and lifestyle to:

  • Reduce the carbohydrate load of your meals
  • Improve insulin sensitivity of your cells
  • Give your pancreas a chance to recuperate
  • Support your liver function
  • Lose weight, if needed

Above all, you don’t have to deal with this alone. I am here to help.

Book Your free 15-minute call and get your blood sugar under control