“The dessert, properly prepared, contributes equally to health and comfort...” - by Parkinson, Practical Confectioner (1864)

“The dessert, properly prepared, contributes equally to health and comfort...” - by Parkinson, Practical Confectioner (1864)​

My desserts contain very little to no table sugar. I delicately sweeten them with either raw honey, maple syrup, dried or fresh fruits. So the flavors and textures complement each other in a subtle way. They are also gluten-free and dairy-free.

Desserts are a big part of our lives now. Just some 200 years ago we barely ate any sugar at all! Now most of us have a treat daily and even several times a day. Many desserts that we eat are offered to us as healthy or regular food. For example, flavored yogurts might have up to 6 teaspoons of sugar in it. And yet, we don’t think of it as dessert. We use sweets when we are celebrating and when we are sad. It’s a reward for good behavior and a way to make ourselves feel better. We now offer it to elementary school kids during tests with an explanation that it helps concentrate! I think you get my point. I do think we eat too much of sugar…

And yet, I have a modest dessert section on my website! I really invite you guys to eat it ONLY occasionally. And maybe keep it for just the celebrations and happy events.

Rhubarb-strawberry crumble in a baking dish

Rhubarb Strawberry Crumble

pineapple mint popsicle and a head of a boy on the background

Pineapple Mint Popsicles

three watermelon sorbet balls in a bowl

Watermelon Sorbet

a plate of chocolate bombs, in a shape of balls

Chocolate Bombs

pumpkin pie

Pumpkin Pie With a Twist

chocolate treats on a plate

Chocolate Treats

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