Fish with Herbs en Papillote infused in aromatic herbs and a slight touch of lemon and tomato flavor

Fish with herbs “en papillote” is a fancy way of saying wrapped in parchment paper. This cooking technique infuses the fish in its own juices mixed with a wonderful composition of aromatic herbs and a slight touch of lemon and tomato flavor. Truly delicious!

Health Benefits Of Fish

All fish is a great source of complete protein. Trout in particular is very high in B12, B6 and B3, selenium and Omega-3 fatty acids. In this recipe I use croaker that has a similar vitamin/mineral composition, but is lower in Omega-3s and higher in selenium. Both Atlantic croaker and rainbow trout get best eco-rating and low mercury rating by

Health Benefits Of Herbs

All three herbs I use in the recipe – parsley, basil and tarragon – support digestive health and are very rich in phytonutrients and vitamins. Parsley is loaded with vitamin K and C, beta-carotenes, lutein and zeaxanthin. Tarragon is rich in many minerals and B vitamins. Basil is a good source of vitamin C, tannins, caffeic acid and beta-carotene. It can help with nausea and calm down the nervous system.

fish stuffed with tomatoes

Fish with Herbs en Papillote


2-3 Croaker or Trout, whole fish, scaled and gutted
Juice of fresh lemon
1 bunch parsley, basilica and tarragon minced
3-4 green onions, minced
1 tomato, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
2-3 Tbsp olive oil or butter
Salt and pepper to taste

fish in parchment paper
  1. Pre-heat the over to 350F.
  2. Clean and dry the fish, sprinkle with lemon juice, salt and pepper inside and out.
  3. Stuff the fish with tomato pieces, garlic, onion and mixed herbs.
  4. Cut a piece of parchment paper, place the stuffed fish in the middle, add 1 Tbsp of butter or oil. Fold the parchment paper lengthwise and then roll up the ends.
  5. Place the fish wrapped in parchment paper on a baking tray and cook for 30 minutes.
  6. Unwrap and serve with Acorn Squash or Kale and Carrot Saute.
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