Homemade Remedies to Support You in Health and Illness

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates, about 350BC.

Although all my recipes promote good health, the ones on this page teach you how to brew up actual medicines – good old-fashioned homemade remedies to alleviate the occasional minor malaise and promote self-healing.

Why bother to go to this much trouble, you may ask, when you can pick up an equivalent OTC (over-the-counter) medicine at right around the corner? Here are three good reasons:

  1. Most conventional drugs are meant to suppress a symptom – be it a cough, a fever or a pain. While my remedies do address the discomfort of a symptom, they also support the body’s own attempt to get better. OTC cough syrup will suppress your cough; yet coughing is how the body expels mucus. My remedy will soothe your throat and thin the mucus out, making it easier for the body to get rid of the congestion.
  2. OTC drugs are synthetic chemicals, with dyes, preservatives and all that bad stuff. My remedies are made with 100% real, unprocessed foods.
  3. Most drugs come with side effects – and I don’t just mean the immediate ones like nausea or headache. I’m talking about the cumulative effects that slowly corrode our organs over many years. For example, aspirin taken over years may lead to stomach ulcers, and PPI inhibitors to bone loss.

So do yourself a favor and experiment with a new approach to curing the common cold, or treating your toddler’s stomachache. There is something wonderfully soothing about homemade remedies. And they are not difficult to concoct. You can easily find most of my ingredients at your local grocery store.

Building Up
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Hibiscus Tea

Fire cider

Fire Cider Oxymel

Honey And Onion Cough Syrup

Honey and Onion Cough Syrup

ginger and mint tea

Ginger and Mint Tea

elderberry syrup

Elderberry Syrup

chicken broth

Healing Chicken Broth

Building Up
a jar lined with a nut milk bag

Whey for Building Muscle

Building Up
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