Pork shoulder with rosemary and garlic make a delicious combination.

There’s nothing quite like the aroma of a succulent pork shoulder slow-cooking in the oven. And when that pork is infused with the earthy and pungent, aromatic flavors of rosemary and garlic, it becomes a dish that’s sure to delight the senses and satisfy the soul. I cook it slowly in the oven, wrapped in parchment paper and foil. This way juices have nowhere to escape and they infuse pork shoulder with the herbs. Because of that the meat stays moist and tender.

But this recipe isn’t just about indulging in delicious flavors – it’s also about reaping the health benefits that come with consuming both pork and rosemary.

Health Benefits Of Pork

Like many other animal proteins, pork is an excellent source of complete protein. It is also a great source of B vitamins, especially thiamin or B1. Pork is high in fat-soluble vitamin D, selenium, and zinc. It provides a reliable source of choline, which is a rare and essential nutrient for brain development. Choline also plays a role in liver function and metabolism.

The common opinion of pork is that it has a lot of saturated fat and all the “bad” things that come with it. Well, first of all, let’s stop demonizing fat. Saturated fat is not bad for us. And second, pork fat contains over 50% of monounsaturated fat. Whenever possible, buy pasture-raised, organic pork. Happy, healthy animals give us healthy meat.

Health Benefits Of Rosemary

Rosemary is a fragrant herb with needle-like leaves. It’s native to the Mediterranean region but is now grown worldwide. The essential oil in rosemary contains compounds that have strong antioxidant activity. It’s a renowned brain tonic that enhances memory and concentration. It stimulates circulation, improves cardiovascular functioning, and combats fatigue. It also has a calming effect on digestion, especially, when stomach upset is triggered by nervous tension.

Pork Shoulder With Rosemary and Garlic

2-3 lb pork shoulder
3-4 garlic cloves
2-3 sprigs of rosemary or 1Tbsp of dry rosemary

Salt and pepper to taste

  1. Preheat the oven to 350F.
  2. Cut garlic lengthwise into thin strips.
  3. Poke the meat with a paring knife deep enough to fit a sliver of garlic. Poke all around the top and sides of the pork shoulder to evenly distribute the garlic. You can add rosemary leaves into the same holes or just place them on top.
  4. Rub the shoulder with salt and pepper.
  5. Take a piece of foil big enough to wrap the shoulder. Line it with parchment paper. Place the shoulder in the middle and wrap it with parchment paper first and then with foil.
  6. Bake for about 1.5-2 hours. Take out and insert the thermometer in the middle of the shoulder. It should read at least 165F. If you don’t have a thermometer, cut or poke the shoulder to make the juice run out. If it’s clear and there is no blood, the meat is cooked.
  7. Serve hot with Kale-Carrot Sautée or Asparagus.
  8. Or serve leftovers cold and thinly sliced as an alternative to ham. Here is a great breakfast recipe with it.and 

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