Delayed food sensitivities vs allergiesOur immune system is there to protect us from invaders from outside and inside. Sometimes it makes a “mistake” and attacks completely harmless particles like protein in an egg or milk, causing us to be sensitive to those foods. There are two kinds of food sensitivities...
Acute Diarrhea – definition, causes, treatment
What’s normal stool and what’s diarrhea?In order to provide a definition of acute diarrhea let’s talk about what is normal bowel movement. In fact, there is little agreement on this topic in the medical world. For instance, a “normal” range of bowel movements can be anywhere between three per day...
Insulin Resistance associated with prediabetes
Do you find it almost impossible to lose weight no matter what you eat? Do you become unreasonably tired in the afternoon or after a meal? You may be suffering from Insulin Resistance – a condition associated with pre-diabetes. An astonishing 75% of all Americans today may in fact be...
Dieting and Weight Gain – willpower is not the answer
Have you tried dieting? Chances are you have. You probably heard many times that in order to lose weight you need to eat less and exercise more. That restricting calories creates a negative energy balance that eventually leads to weight loss. In fact, up to 2/3 of dieters regain weight after...
Overeating is not the only cause of excess weight
Overeating as a reason for weight gainThere are certainly many reasons why our body can start packing up weight. Overeating is usually blamed as the main reason. The logic goes like this: you either eat too many calories or you are not exercising and not burning the calories that you eat....