The nutrient dense beef stock is extremely nutritious, healing and flavorful food.

The nutrient dense beef stock recipe could also be called broth. The terms broth and stock are used interchangeably because there is very little difference between the two. Broth is usually made with leftovers and meaty parts. Stock is more of a professional term and is cooked according to a specific recipe, using more bony parts. Stocks is used as a sauce base. It has more gelatinous texture and is clear in the appearance. Broths might be thinner and cloudier. And commonly used for soups.

Health Benefits of Nutrient Dense Beef Stock

  • Bone broth or stock is extremely nutritious, healing and flavorful food.
  • The minerals and electrolytes from bones and vegetables dissolve in water and remain there in a highly absorbable form.
  • Stock draws the digestive juices into the gut, assisting digestion.  In addition, the marrow and the soft tissues like cartilage are the best healing and soothing substances for the digestive tract.
  • It supports the immune system and helps prevent and reduce infections.
  • Soft tissues on the bones are also rich in compounds (chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine) needed for the health of our connective tissues including bones, collagen, cartilage etc.

My favorite parts of beef to use for making stock and broth are ox tails. Because ox tails and other tiny bones are covered with cartilage that dissolves they helps the stock gel. You also don’t need to use as much bones to achieve excellent results. If you can’t find ox tail then look for marrow bones with the cartilage.

nutrient dense beef stock

Nutrient Dense Beef Stock


1-2 lb ox tails, preferably grass-fed
1 lb beef ribs, preferably grass-fed
2 carrots, coarsely chopped
2 onions, not peeled, cut in half,
2-3 celery sticks, coarsely chopped
1 Tbsp celtic salt
2 bay leaves
1 Tbsp whole black pepper
1 bunch parsley, or dill
5-6 quarts of cold filtered water

  1. Place the meat and the bones in a large pot, add water and slowly bring to a boil over medium to low heat.
  2. When water is about to boil, scum will start rising to the top. Remove it using a skimmer, it might take a few minutes as the impurities continue to rise for a while.
  3. After you have skimmed, add the vegetables and the spices, let boil again and immediately reduce the heat to simmer to ensure the clarity of your broth.
  4. Simmer for 8-12 hours.
  5. Remove the meat with a slotted spoon, strip all the meat off the bones and reserve for later use in soups or other recipes. Remove the vegetables and discard. Strain the broth into a container or glass jars and let cool. Store in the fridge.
  6.  The broth should gel after it’s been in the fridge for a while – a sign of success.
  7. You can freeze it in small glass containers for later use, otherwise consume within 7 days.
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