Metabolic Flexibility: The Science of Optimizing Your Metabolism

Our bodies evolved to handle fluctuations in food availability and energy demand. In ancient times, we faced cycles of feast and famine, so our metabolism learned to adapt. We can store nutrients during times of plenty and use them efficiently during scarcity. Our metabolism adjusts to energy demands and nutrient...

Your Daily Protein Needs To Preserve Or Build Muscle​

In the pursuit of a healthy and well-rounded diet, understanding your daily protein needs is crucial. Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a fundamental role in various bodily functions. But how do you determine the right amount of protein for your unique needs, and how can you ensure you're...

Savoring Okra in September: From Resistance to Relish

September brings okra. In the DMV area, the season for okra starts in late July and goes through the end of September. Okra’s green pods, often recognized for their distinctive ridges, mark the arrival of a unique culinary experience. But behind its charming appearance lies a history stretching across continents,...

Free yourself from food cravings in three simple ways

Food cravings might be a part of your battle to lose weight. Maybe you crave specific foods you find irresistible, like pizza, chips, bagels, chocolate, or cupcakes. Or your cravings are not about a particular food but rather about eating when feeling stressed, overwhelmed, bored, or sad. In either case,...