Real time conversation about nutrition and weight loss As a nutritionist and a weight loss specialist I read a lot about both topics. As a result, I sometimes lose track of what's common knowledge and what's not, what people are interested in the vast field of nutrition. That makes it...
Live to 100 – health secrets of centenarians
Would you like to live to 100 years old, especially if you can keep the quality of life and continue being active? From antiquity to today, doctors applied their best knowledge and practices to keep people healthy and slow down aging. And for centuries, they’ve used diets for longevity. Recently,...
A growth mindset for weight loss will ensure your success
To set ourselves up for success with weight loss we should have a clear vision of what it is that we want and why we want it. Then we need to evaluate the things that are stopping us from having our ideal body now. Next we need to create a...
Calorie counting apps and long-term weight loss
Weight loss and especially the long-term maintenance of the weight reduction is a complex process that involve many factors. Calorie counting apps can be helpful as a part of a more comprehensive weight loss program. They also have some inherent characteristics that can be counterproductive to long-term success.
Sugar on holidays. Should I avoid it or enjoy it?
If you are like many of my clients you might be focused on reducing your sugar intake. How to avoid sugar during the holiday season? It's not easy but here are a couple of strategies. Depending on your reasons to abstain from sugar in the first place you might decide...